The Perfect Daughter by D. J. Palmer: Featured Excerpt
By Crime HQ
March 15, 2021BONUS: find out how you can win one of three advance reader copies of The Perfect Daughter and a branded coffee mug!

Chapter 1
At thirty minutes past eight o’clock, red and blue strobe lights lit up the sky outside Grace Francone’s modest Cape house with the frenzy of a fireworks display. A quick check out the window revealed two cars parked in her driveway, one a sedan, a single twirling red light mounted to its dashboard, and the other a black-and-white from the Lynn Police Department, lights also flashing.
A wave of fear clutched Grace hard.
Not more than two hours ago, she had returned home from a run to find her sixteen-year-old daughter, Penny, gone. Since she was a teenager, it was no great surprise her daughter had left the house without a text or a note to say where she was going. Out of habit Grace had checked the garage to find the burgundy Chevy Caprice, still registered to Penny’s deceased father, was also missing. Grace assumed Penny, who had the car keys and her license, had taken it. The house rule was to always ask permission before taking the car, and to give a destination and return time. The lack of any such communication put Penny’s driving privileges in jeopardy.
Naturally, Grace had texted Penny to check on her whereabouts. When she didn’t get a reply, she figured Penny was trying to avoid a conflict. Now, Grace had a different thought.
The unexpected arrival of the police filled her with a dark vision of a twisted knot of steel, parts of it resembling what was once that Chevy Caprice. She imagined the vehicle had veered off a road somewhere, and now lay crumpled like a balled-up piece of paper. Penny was either still pinned in the wreckage, rushed to a hospital . . . or worse, much worse.
Grace opened the front door before the police had time to exit their vehicles. Outside, a crackle of indecipherable radio chatter momentarily drowned out the night-calling insects. Even though she lived a mile from the ocean, the air carried a tinge of salt, that special seawater smell that normally she found so rejuvenating. Not tonight.
Of the two men who strode up her walkway, only one was dressed in a police uniform. The other gentleman, a heavyset fellow, sported a thick mustache, and wore a dark suit to match his hair. This one greeted Grace with an inscrutable expression, which set her somewhat at ease. At least his eyes didn’t carry the weighty look of someone about to crush her soul.
“Ms. Francone?”
He had a deep, gravelly voice, good for coaching or getting hardened people to follow his orders. The best Grace could manage with her throat so dry was a quick nod.
“I’m Detective Jay Allio from the Lynn Police Department, and this is Sergeant Brent Adams. Is your daughter Penny Francone?”
“Yes,” Grace said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, feeling her anxiousness fire back up.
“We came here to tell you that we’ve arrested her. She’s at the Lynn Police Station right now.”
Grace’s field of vision blurred momentarily. “Arrested? For what?”
“We believe she killed a woman,” Allio said, showing no emotion in his voice or face.
Grace used one hand to grip the doorframe while the other went to her chest, where she could feel her heart beating way too fast.
“Killed as in . . . what? Was it a . . . a car accident? Is Penny hurt?”
“No, it’s not that,” said Allio. “No accident. And Penny is uninjured. We believe it was a homicide.”
The matter-of-fact way he shared this information made it hard for Grace to process his words.
“I’m sorry, what? Say that again.”
“We believe Penny committed a homicide this evening.”
“A . . . murder,” Grace stammered. “You think my daughter murdered someone?”
Her words came out with a sharp edge as her grip on the doorframe tightened. She felt like she’d slipped out of her own body and was observing these events from some higher vantage point. Part of her wanted to slam the door on the detective’s face, imagining that doing so might make it all untrue, but she resisted the irrational urge.
“When is the last time you saw your daughter?” Allio asked. His delivery seemed dispassionate, but Grace reminded herself that his job was to remain even-keeled when delivering seismic news. The other officer continued to hang back, giving Grace the distinct impression he was there simply to assist should she become unhinged or hysterical, either of which were real possibilities.
“A couple hours ago . . . I’d gone for a run, and when I came back, she was gone,” Grace said, fighting for every bit of composure she could muster. “When . . . when was she arrested?”
“She’s been at the station a half hour or so.”
A sharp twinge hit the back of Grace’s neck, which she tried rubbing away with her hand.
“So have you talked to her? Asked her what happened?”
“We checked her license. She’s a minor. It’s our policy that we talk to you first.”
Grace thought: And I need to talk to a lawyer.
“When we arrested her, she was covered in blood—it was all over her body, in her hair—so when you come to the station, you should bring a change of clothes.”
“She’s still in bloody clothes? You left her like that?”
“It’s evidence,” Allio said as explanation. “It takes time for us to collect the samples we need before we can let her get cleaned up.”
“I need to get there—I need to leave right now.” Grace felt the ground tilt beneath her feet.
“I understand,” Allio said, continuing to radiate calm. “You need to take this a step at a time, okay? I have some more questions I’d like to ask.”
“Blood,” Grace whispered. “Oh my God. And you said she wasn’t hurt?”
“No, there are no visible wounds on Penny. But the victim was found deceased at the scene, and we believe it’s the victim’s blood on your daughter’s body.”
Grace got the impression the detective was holding something back.
“She’s calling herself Eve, but that’s not the name on her license.”
Again, a chill ran through Grace. Eve.
“She said she doesn’t remember anything that happened before we showed up. We think maybe she’s in shock, but we’re not sure,” Allio went on. “Is Eve a nickname?”
Grace paused, deciding how to answer. “It’s more complicated than that,” she offered sparingly, thinking that oversharing wouldn’t do Penny any good. Thankfully, Allio decided to let it go.
“And you had no idea where Penny was headed when she left the house?”
“No, none,” Grace said.
“Had she done that before?” Allio asked. “Taken the car and not told you where she was going?”
“No, it’s against the rules,” Grace said again, thinking Less is more. “She likes to take walks. I thought maybe she took the car to go to the beach or something and forgot to tell me.”
“Any reason she might have gone to Lynn? Does she have a friend there?”
Grace shook her head, reminding herself that Allio wasn’t on her side. He had her daughter in custody and his agenda was different than hers.
“Have you noticed any changes in her behavior lately? Have you seen any anger, withdrawal, anything different?”
Grace mulled it over before answering. She was barely holding on. A slight breeze could totter her off of some invisible edge into full-blown hysterics. For a moment she worried she was going to get sick.
“No,” Grace finally managed. “Everything has been fine. I think I need a lawyer.”
Allio’s eyes danced across her face in an unsettling way, as if he knew much more than he was letting on.
“Let me ask you one last question, if I may. I’m sure you want to get down to the station. Do you know a woman named Rachel Boyd?”
For Grace, it felt as though time itself had come to a stop. Her body went numb, mind a blank.
“Rachel Boyd?” Grace repeated in a quiet voice.
“Yes. Do you know her?”
“Not personally, no. Is she . . . is she the victim?”
“Yes, Rachel has been murdered. Is there a connection between Penny and Ms. Boyd?” Allio asked.
Grace nodded insensibly. Her legs were shaking, barely able to hold her upright. “Yes,” she said, her thoughts fading as her vision grew dark. “Rachel Boyd is my daughter’s birth mother.”
Excerpted from The Perfect Daughter. Copyright © 2021 by D. J. Palmer.
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I read The New Husband and thought it was really good. I would love to read The Perfect Daughter.
Can’t wait to read it!
I cannot wait to read this book! Everyone in all book groups have been raving about this book and the fantastic twists and turns of the wonderful writer! I would LOVE to win a copy! PLEASE
On my library’s hold list.
Great writing – such a great teaser! Can’t wait for the complete book!!
Perfect Daughter was good. I will read more of his books.
I would love to read Perfect Daughter
I would love to read he book and could always use another mug.
Whew! This looks like a goodie… Am looking forward to reading it…
Congrats, D.J. Palmer on the launch!
Would love to win. I really love his books.
I read the Perfect Husband and I loved it! The Perfect Daughter sounds really good; would love to read it!
I’ve read one other DJ Palmer book. And it was ARC. I’d love to try one of her arcs again!
Reading the excerpt has me intrigued. Can’t wait for more!
This looks interesting.. who wouldn’t want a cup of coffee while reading a mystery?
Ooh, sounds like another hit! Have enjoyed DJ Palmer’s books so far, would love an ARC of another!! Can’t wait to read it.
Oooh would love to read this one!
I love a good excerpt teaser like this one. Definitely one I look forward to finishing as soon as I can.
I’m so excited to read this! D.J. Palmer’s books have not disappointed.
Terribly excited for this one!
Great author. Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you for sharing your time and your talent. Thank you for the opportunity. God bless you.
Got hooked right away! Looking forward to it!
I’m still singing the praises of Saving Meghan. With a split personality, murder and hopefully fast-paced story, The Perfect Daughter will make for a thrilling weekend read.
I’m looking forward to reading it
Sounds like a great book! I love the Mom’s response..sounds like a book you would stay up reading
Thank you for sharing your time and your talent. God bless you.
I would love to win a copy!
This book looks like a real page turner! Thanks for the chance to win it and a mug. I assume the mug of for all the coffee I will be drinking so I can finish this book in one day 😉
Keep them coming, looking forward to reading your next book. so far all the books have been great.
Great thriller writer–I’m a fan–sounds like a terrific read!!!
I would like to read one of his books
Love to win a copy! Sounds great!
Excited to read this one!
This sounds like a great read!
I would love to read the Perfect
I have never read a DJ Palmer book, but always looking for new authors to read!
The first chapter makes me want to read more!
Not waiting for my library to read this book. Buying now!
The Perfect Daughter is just the change in book genres that I so need right now !!!
I want to read this. It sounds great.
I read The New Husband and it was so good!
Thanks for the chance. The blurb sounds like a good read.
Chapter 1is exciting
Sounds like a book I would enjoy reading.
I’m curious to read this thriller highlighting the theme of mental illness among teens. I don’t think I have read a book about these together, so important. Thanks for the opportunity
This looks really good! I would love to read it!
I’ve loved all of your books that I have read and can’t wait to read “The Perfect Daughter”
Sound like I would really enjoy this! Would love to win a copy!
Love DJ Palmer and his father’s books as well. Can’t wait to read his latest!
Looks like a good book.
Loved the Good Husband. My daughter did too. In fact, she still hasn’t given it back to me! If I am a lucky winner I;m hiding it from her.
This books looks to be very interesting. Hope to win it!
Delicious. I can’t wait to read it. The tasty teaser has drawn me in.
Curiouser and curiouser!
I love psychological thrillers !! The Perfect Daughter sounds so interesting. Thank you for this opportunity 📖💗🌼
I love, love a good mystery, thriller. Can’t wait.
I’m loving this sneak peak! I can’t wait to read this one.
This book sounds great, can’t wait to read it!
sounds like a great new read!
Looks intriguing
Cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of the book. Thanks for the preview!
I’m looking forward to the next in the series.
Can’t wait for this one
I am for this Book. Loved the Good Husband, bet this is the same !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t wait to read it!
I need more! Sounds interesting. Would love an advanced copy. Pick me! Pick me!
This books sounds Great!
Sounds like a good read
Would love to win this!
I am SO excited about this book!!
This sounds great!
I’m so interested, about to get this book right no. Sounds perfectly intriguing.
I would love this! Haven’t read any by her yet!
Sounds like a great read!
I loved the New Husband! I can’t wait to read The Perfect Daughter. Love this author. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
POWERFUL first chapter,
Really looking forward to this book. Enjoyed the perfect husband last year!
I would read this in one sitting it sounds that great.
Would love to win and read this book
And you leave me like this – gasping and wondering what’s going on? I’d love to read this. Not only as a mystery in its own right, but also because of the MPD angle. Very intriguing
I want to read this one so bad! One of my favorite authors!
Sounds like one I won’t be able to put down once I start!
Wow! My first impression was what would go through Grace’s mind, because as a mother, breaking the rules definitely required loss of privilege, but with the police showing up, that easily moves one from upset to downright terrified that there was an accident! The more questions asked, being terrified quickly moved to stunned-can’t- believe-the-accusation! Grabs your attention, and you want to know more! How did Grace become Penny’s mom? Why would Penny kill her biological mother? Where does Eve come into play? Sounds like a fantastic thriller. Thank you for the opportunity.
This one is absolutely on my TBR!
I never was the perfect daughter, so I guess I should do some research on that subject! I would enjoy the chance to read The Perfect Daughter. Thanks😊
This book sounds interesting. I sure would like to win a copy so I can read it.
I’d love to read both!
This is on my holds list!
I would love to win and read this!
I can’t wait to read your next book as I know it will be as good as THE NEW HUSBAND was!
Would live to win a copy and read and review this its great book a must read
This looks oh so good. Would love to win it! Thanks for the chance.
Thank you for the chance to win. Looks like a great read!
Can already tell this is a nail biter!
I absolutely love Palmer’s writing and I know this will fbe a great book!!!
The first chapter was great. I’d love to win a copy and read the entire book!
Intriguing and thrilling. I enjoyed the other books by this author.
Great feature and enthralling book.
DJ Palmer writes mystery thrillers in such a way that you want to read on from the beginning to the end without stopping. I read ‘The New Husband’ and it was really good. I look forward to reading the new book ‘The Perfect Daughter’.
What a powerful beginning to the book! Would love to win! I have read both Saving Megan and The New Husband, and loved them both. Thanks for the chance!! Will definitely review this one too.
nice excerpt
Thanks for the excerpt. It is already full of suspense! Would make a good read.
This excerpt was very intriguing and pulls you instantly into the story. I can’t wait to read the rest!
Thanks for the giveaway chance. Stay Safe and Healthy.
Sounds like a page-turner!
It appears to have the proper amount of suspense to keep my interest.
I would love to read more of this!
I can’t wait to read the whole book! I’d love to share the book with my besties
I would love to get a copy!
I love crime and murder mysteries, but haven’t read any of D.J. Palmers-YET!!!!
I am so excited about this one! I loved the new husband!
Ooooooh-going to a good one here-can’t wait to read the whole thing 🙂
I love DJ Palmer’s books! This little piece has made me want to read this books even more!
This one sounds so good!
sounds like a great start, makes you need more
Would love to read it & would appreciate a new mug.
On my list!
A favorite author. Would love to read
This preview makes me want to read more! Looks like a great book!!!
sounds like a perfect new read for me
can’t wait to read it
This sneak peak has me hooked!
I can’t wIt!!
Thanks for the giveaway
This is a great giveaway. What more could you ask for, a mug for the perfect cup of coffee and a great mystery/suspense read! The perfect combination!
The New Husband kept me on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to read The Perfect Daughter. Thank you for the opportunity.
Oh my gosh – what a start to a book – I can’t wait to read this one!
Intriguing first chapter. Looking forward to continuing.
sounds good
Wow! Sounds great! I’d love to read this one. Thanks for the chance!
Wow! What a great start and such an interesting premise! I can’t wait to get my hands on this one!
I cannot wait to read more of The Perfect Daughter!
I loved The New Husband. Can’t wait to read this one!
Definitely keeps you guessing! Looks like a very good read.
Looks like a good one!
Can’t wait to read this one. I loved Saving Meghan.
The multiple personality theme sounds intriguing! Can’t wait to read this mystery.
I would love to have a copy!! Sounds like a great read!
I love D.J. Palmer, and I would love to win this prize! Thank you for the chance!
Can’t wait to read!
I am really excited to have the opportunity to rad this book!
This sounds awesome and one that will be hard to put down. Can’t wait to read it!
Can’t wait to read this one!
Sounds like something I would really enjoy!
I can’t wait to read this book . Hooked from the start
On my library hold list
Would love to win!
Looking forward to this book. I enjoy reading his books.
This book sounds extremely intriguing – just the kind of story I enjoy reading!
I enjoyed reading the excerpt. Love to read the book.
This article definitely grabbed my attention. Perfect Daughter sounds amazing!
I’m looking forward to reading DJ Palmer’s latest.
This book looks so interesting. Would love to win it!
Even though my TBR pile is huge already, I will have to add this book to it.
Wow. Now that’s a hook. Gimme more, yes, please!
I have enjoyed his other books and look forward to this one.
I would love to read The Perfect Daughter.
Can’t wait. Have enjoyed precious books!
This book sounds so good. I have enjoyed his other books.
The excerpt above is very enticing and I would love to read this book. The subject of psychological problems with the young is, I consider, an uncharted territory. I have read other books by D. J. Palmer and have truly enjoyed them!
This looks very interesting. I would l would like to read more of it.
can’t wait to read
Wow one chapter and I am drawn in !!! Can’t wait to read the rest
The Perfect Daughter sounds very intriguing! Hope I can win a copy and I’d love the mug, too!
Another great book by one of my favorite authors!!!
On my TBR list!
So excited to read this one! The first chapter was great!
As an adult adoptee, this looks so interesting! I love DJ Palmer books.
This book is FANTASTIC!
The teaser is extraordinary. I can’t wait to read the book and others by D. J. Palmer!
I would love to read this with a nice cup of coffee!
After reading The New Husband, I knew I would be following D. J. Palmer’s work. Thank you for the chance for the book and mug!
Would love to sit out on the deck and enjoy this read on a wonderful spring day. Thanks for the chance
Ooo this sounds so good. I would love to win an advanced copy. Absolutely love D.J. Palmer.
Really intriguing sneak peak. I’m looking forward to reading the whole thing.
Great teaser. Would love to win. Big thanks for the chance. Good luck to everyone!!!!
Wow this book sounds great
This sounds amazing and something I need to add to my TBR list immediately!
Please & thanks for the chance
OOOHHHH ………. this sounds GOOD. A book like this is what makes me late for work. I never understand it when people say I fall asleep reading. They are reading the wrong books.
I am so excited for this book. After reading The New Husband and Saving Meghan, D. J. Palmer has become one of my favorite authors!
Would be very excited to win this.
Please enter me in this sweepstakes.
Thanks —
I am so excited to read this upcoming book.
I’ve been looking forward to this book! Thank you for the chance to win it.
Thank you for the chance.
This sounds thrilling and terrifying!
Now I’m dying to find out who Eve is !
I loved The New Husband.! I cannot wait to read this one as well. The excerpt is so good!
I have it on hold at my library.
read the the perfect husband and loved it! read your teaser of the perfect daughter and can’t wait to read more. thanks for the chance to win a copy
Well, you can never have enough Moms when there’s more than one of you.
The New Husband was a terrific book, this would be amazing..
Wow… I would really like to read this book.
I think this will be a good book to read. After reading the first pages, i can hardly wait to read the rest of it.
This has my attention and I can hardly wait to find out more!
I’m on the edge of my seat! Ooh this sounds great! Would love to read it!!
Well now, Grace certainly has her hands full quite suddenly and unexpectedly!
This would be a great one for my list of to reads, sounds like a gripper.
Wow! I can’t wait to read more! Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win!
Just reading that preview makes me want this book and to read the author’s previous books
As a mother of five daughters, I know exactly how she felt. Excellent writing
I would like to win
So very excited that you are continuing to write these great books!!! I really do miss reading your dad’s books… he was one of my favorite authors…. but now I get to follow your writing career and read your books… so very excited!!! Keep on writing!!!
This sounds sooooo good. Definitely on my TBR list!!
my lady friend and I are both looking forward to this read
I like the books cover, and how it seems like paper doll cutouts. The first chapter is so enthralling!
Many thanks, Cindi
I would enjoy adding this title to my collection!
I cant wait to read this book! Sounds really good!
Sounds like a compelling, edge of your seat read! I would love to read this book! Thanks for the opportunity!
WOW!! Just reading the excerpt from the first chapter sounds intriguing and makes me want to read the book.
What an opening – can’t wait to read more!
Well, now I have to know more. Sixteen, she took off, found covered in blood, her biological mother is dead, she’s not talking, I’m thinking wrong place, wrong time ( dang, I hope so). Thanks for having this giveaway.
D J Palmer writes really scary novels… another Stephan King …it is amazing how his mind works!
Been a long year, could use an excellent distraction! This will definitely fill the bill!
Been a long year, could use an excellent distraction! This will definitely fill the bill!
Wow. This looks really interesting; got really caught up in that first chapter Sounds good, but I need more.
After reading the excerpt the author has gained my interest in this book. I hope I’m picked to read an Arc copy.
Would love to read the rest!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I do not know this author, but this sample of his writing is excellent, and I intend to reserve his other two books at my library. I can’t wait to read this book!
Would love to win the giveaway
This sample makes me want to go out and buy the book now. So many questions in my head and no answers!
I would love to win The Perfect Daughter! I am a prolific reader of Thrillers, and this one sounds really good. I already added it 2 my want to read lists on Goodreads. Thank you for the chance!
Looking forward to reading the full book.
LOVE this author!!! Loved The New Husband, so would LOVE to win this book tor read too!
Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed
This looks like its going to be a good read.
When I worked as an RN, I took care of a woman who had 4 personalities and they are difficult to care for. I also had a Dr. that had as her patient Sybil who had 52 personalities. I believe that is what is happening to the daughter.
Can’t wait to read!
I would be positively thrilled to win D.J.Palmer’s latest book, The Perfect Daughter. What is more overwhelming and terrifying to hear that your child is accused of murder! The New Husband was an electrifying thriller and I’d love the chance to read and review this book. Thank you for the chance.
OOH-LA-LA! Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of The Perfect Daughter!
Another thrilling ride on the rollercoaster of thrills and chills! Would love to read!
Thrilled to read this new book by D.J. Palmer! Read The New Husband and LOVED IT! I’d love the chance to be able to read this book as it seems like it’ll be probably even a bigger rollercoaster of thrills! Can’t wait!
I enjoyed The New Husband and have been looking forward to The Perfect Daughter. It’s been on my TBR list since first reading about it several months ago.
Don’t you just love a good thriller?!?!?
I’ve read some strong positive reviews on this book. Would love to win a copy.
Sounds so good. Thank you
I really liked The New Husband. I’d love the chance to read The Perfect Daughter.
Hoping it’s as good as The New Husband😉
Looks like a great read!
I love D.J. Palmer’s writing! Please enter me.
I’d love to win this book! Thanks for the chance!
This is intriguing! Thanks for the chance.
I’m already hooked. Can’t wait to read more. I read the New Husband, and this looks even better.
I am so excited to read this. It sounds sooo good!
Looks amazing! Reading has kept me sane for the last year
Can’t wait to read this one!!
I can’t wait to read this book!
Oh, I can’t wait to read the rest of this book! Has me hooked from the beginning.
This one is a little different!! Different is good!!
Love to win !
Excellent excerpt. I was engrossed immediately.
I’m intrigued. I want more.
I look forward to this!
Looking forward to this interesting read!
Great story, can’t wait to read.
This sounds like an amazing read! Thank you for the giveaway chance.
Already got me hooked with this short read! Would love an advance reader copy!
This sounds like a page turner! Would love to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.
I loved the New Husband and I am looking forward to reading this one too!
Would love to read and review on Goodreads and my literature site, Literature Lovers of Skokie & The North Shore!
Will review on Goodreads!
Can’t wait to read!
Boy, what a hook! I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thank you for the intro / teaser! I will definitely be looking forward to reading.
Looks very interesting.
I read the eARC of this book and would love a physical copy to read. Thanks for the chance to win this cool mug that goes with the book 📖 😀
I really hope I win a copy! I loved his book The New Husband!!
Can’t wait to read it!
D.J Palmer is a great writer and I can’t wait to read this one!
I am always looking for new books to read. This book sounds like the kind I enjoy reading. It sounds like a few plot twists will be included.
Cant wait to read and review this one too
Looks good. Just picked up The New Husband.
Sounds very intriguing……Crossing my fingers I’m lucky enough to win it!
Can’t wait to read it. I am very intrigued to know what happens next.
I would love to win this book because I love to drink tea and read books.I loved Saving Meghan and The New Husband!!! Great books can’t wait to read The Perfect Daughter
Makes you want to keep reading. An intriguing concept.
Looking forward to read! Read The New Husband and was a page turner.
Looking forward to reading it. Considering suggesting it for our company bookclub.
Looking forward to readng it. Considering suggesting it for our company bookclub.
A possible suggestion for my company’s bookclub.
I love DJ Palmer’s books! I loved reading this little piece and it is making me want to read more!
sounds intriguing!
wow the perfect daughter looks like a great and very interesting book i would love it and that cool mug lol ! thank you !!! & stay safe !
I loved “the Perfect Daughter”! Can’t wait to read this one!
mom is going to love this one. We love the same books!
I’m a huge D.J. Palmer fan. I can’t wait to read this one. The mug is the perfect addition to the book. A little mystery with a touch of whimsy.
I love D. J. Palmer’s books! I am sure this one does not disappoint!
What a fab prize! D. J. Palmer’s books are fantastic!
Nice Chapter One tease!
I can’t wait to read more of this one!! I absolutely loved his previous books
Best Author and his books make you wanting more. I feel so blessed to be reading him. Thank you Mr Palmer for keeping us entertained
DJ Palmer is a phenomenal author! This is a must read book.
Wow I can’t wait to read this one. I’m sure it promises to be another great thriller!
This sounds really good. Love D.J. Palmer books!
This looks fantastic!
I’ve read both ARC of Saving Megan and The New Husband and loved them! Congratulations D.J. Palmer on another book that’s bound to be a hit!
The excerpt has me hooked, can’t wailt to read!
I read both Saving Megan and The New Husband. This sounds amazing.
Oh the suspense is killing me!! Can’t wait to read the rest of The Perfect Daughter!
I LOVE Books. And I am not talking about kindle or whatever else is out there. I love holding a book in my hand, breaking it open, the smell of a new book, turning the pages, etc. Yeah, it may be nerdy but I’m cool with that. My favorites are any and all mystery or thriller stories. This book sounds amazing….
Added to my wishlist!
I love DJ Palmer and mugs are a passion! I try to drink my coffee out of a different one each day of the week.
Great book!
I am so excited to read this book!
I was mesmerized by The New Husband. The candle, the recipe that came prior to the book. Your writing captivates me. I couldn’t put it down. This new book and mug would definitely be a great read for me. Or should I say”Perfect”
I would love to read the rest of this book!!
This book promises to be another great DJ Palmer read. Can’t wait to get into it.
I look forward to reading this book.
It sounds interesting
The first chapter has me hooked!
Loved the next husband .would love to win this one
Daniel Palmer is one of a handful of authors who consistently put out page turning thrillers with each and every book! His books will never disappoint! One of my favorite authors!
This sounds like a good one! I can’t wait to read more.
Sounds like a book I would love to read.
Just added this one to my tbr today! I can’t wait to read it! I was lucky to get an arc of the new husband and I really enjoyed it!
Bring on. The. Thriller
I want to read more!
I love this author and after reading the preview, I can’t wait to finish this book!
Can’t wait to read this!
Can’t wait to read
I’d love to win, I enjoy reading his books and my mug was damaged.
Thank you
Looking forward to this one! I have The New Husband on my list to read as well.
Loved your last 2 books
Looking forward to this Beautiful one Thank you for this chance.
I will read this book one way or another.
read the excerpt-the book sounds so good
This book sounds so good! And what a way to start it – grabs you right from the beginning!
Sounds really good…this will definitely go on my to-read list.
Love the mug!
Looking forward to read! Read The New Husband and was a page turner.
This book is on my TBR. Congrats to D.J. Palmer on another book release. Cannot wait to read this one.
After reading Chapter 1, that you generously let us read – I know that I will definitely be wrapped up in your new novel… Even the title has me wanting to find it on the book shelves! Thank you for the contest.
Mugs and books, what else can you ask for!
Would love to discover another great detective series! Hope to win!
sounds like another good book, like all your others!
Sounds fascinating. Love these type of books. Thanks for the chance.
This has been on my tbr list!
It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.
Would love to read this one. And drink my coffee from that cup at same time thank you 😊
I love books that grab your interest right at the start and this one fits the bill!
I cannot wait to read this book! I love your writing style.
Looks like a great read
So excited to read this book this year!!!
This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing this much
Thank you for the chance to win!
Excited to read this!
This sounds too good to miss! And the mug is great!
I’ve enjoyed a couple of D. J. Palmer’s books and enjoyed them very much. this sounds like another winner!
I love D.J.’s books. So suspenseful and twisty! I’d love to read this one too.
I love to win because I’d share the book and my mug was damaged. Thanks!
The New Husband was fantastic! Can’t wait to read this one. Thank you for the chance!
I would love to win a copy of the book!!
Can’t wait—loved The New Husband
I love DJ Palmer. His books are so good and this ones sounds like another must read!
Loved D.J Palmers last two books. Looking forward to this one.thank you for this wonderful chance
Great author. Have read all the books and would love to read this one
I’m excited for this book. Since reading Saving Megan I been enjoying Dj books. I love his twists and the fun. My email is
Sounds good, would love to win a copy.
Sounds great. This book would look great on my bookshelf…
I am looking forward to reading this book!!
I have loved the author’s last two books and this one sounds riveting!
I absolutely loved The New Husband so I’ve been looking forward to the author’s newest for quite some time. The opening of The Perfect Daughter is fantastic so far, can’t wait to continue the story!
I can’t wait to read this.
I can’t wait to read this. His other books were great.
This looks really great!
hiiiii love him.
Wow! I’m already hooked from reading Chapter one.
Oh this sounds so good! I would love to read it, thank you for the chance!! 🙂
This book looks so amazing! I would absolutely love to read and review! And the mug is just the icing on the cake 🍰 😀👏👏 Thank you so much for the chance!
Oh. I am dying to read this! I have loved abd shared both of his last books with my book club.
I am looking forward to reading this book!
I read perfect husband. I can’t read this book perfect daughter. The 1st chapter got me hooked and I can’t wait to finish reading it.
I’m excited to read this! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
I have waited for this since “meeting” DJ Palmer on Amy Impellezzeri’s Zoom book club!! Would love to win!
I’ve loved both books i have read by Dj palmer -can’t wait to check this one out!
I love your books! Can’t wait to read this one! Fingers crossed!
I can’t wait to read this!!
Thank you for the chance to win! I need this book for my collection, I can’t wait to read this!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.Cant wait to read this book.
Can’t wait to read this one! Loved Saving Meghan (and my cool bookmark) and The New Husband (and my candle)! 💜
I love a great thriller and D.J. Palmer does not disappoint! I am looking forward to The Perfect Daughter. The above excerpt has only peaked my interest in his latest read. Cannot to read about Grace, her daughter, and her daughter’s biological mother. I have a TBR list and a must read list. This just made the top of the must read list!
Sounds interesting and intriguing. Thank you for the chance
Great Excerpt Thank You for Sharing it with us and I would love to Read the Whole Book
Ooohh The intro on the cover have me intrigued. Thank you
Would absolutely love to read and review! 😀👏👏
You had me hooked at…”“You think my daughter murdered someone?”
It looks like an intense read
Looking forward to reading this!
This sounds like it is going to be a good one!
Fingers crossed!
i would love to read the book looks great read
Oh, this sounds really good! Thank you for the chance!
Sounds absolutely enthralling! Thank you for the opportunity!
Hoping to win a copy!
I’m already hooked!
Thank you for sharing a post, nice to read it, good work keep going
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