Zombie Cute…Win This Crocheted Doll of the Undead!

zombie amigurumi crocheted doll
Take me home and I swear I’ll leave your brains alone!
You’d think zombies would all be scary, right? Well, such is not the case. All you have to do is search zombies on Etsy, or pop over to the CrimeHQ Zombies! Pinterest board, where we’ve been collecting pictures of creepy cute because there were far too many to contain in one post!

But maybe what you really want is to have a little crocheted zombie doll of your very own. Well, here’s your chance. To enter, comment (only comments from registered users will be tabulated) on this post telling us what you like best…or least…about the undead. We will pick one winner at random to win the zombie amigurumi doll pictured in this post, with his dangling eyeball, sticking-out bone at one hand, and visible pink brain. I crocheted this little guy (modifying a pattern by Chiwaluv) from both wool and cotton and stuffed him with polysester fiberfill so he’s soft, squishy and loveable.

[This sweepstakes has now ended. Thanks for your participation! We are, however, running a zombie Sherlock Holmes fan art comments contest! ]

To enter for a chance to win the handmade zombie doll, make sure you are logged in as a registered member of the site, and then simply leave a comment below.

TIP: You can tell you’re a registered site user who’s logged in if the user name above your comment appears in black. If you preview your comment and see your user name’s appearing in red, cancel, then go to log into the site (upper-right corner of the menu bar). After you’ve logged in, when you preview or publish your comment, your user name will appear in black and you’ll know you’re entered!

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A purchase does not improve your chances of winning. Sweepstakes open to legal residents of fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, who are 18 or older. To enter, fill out entry at https://www.criminalelement.com/blogs/2012/04/zombie-cute-win-amigurumi-crochet-doll-sweepstakes  beginning at 8:45 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) April 6, 2012. Sweepstakes ends at 8:30 a.m. ET on April 13, 2012 (the “Promotion Period”). Void outside of the 50 US and DC and where prohibited by law. Please see full details and official rules at https://www.criminalelement.com/page/official-rules-handmade-zombie-doll-comment-sweepstakes. Sponsor: Macmillan, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010


  1. Marjorie of Connecticut

    Eye-poppingly adorable!

  2. Sabrina Ogden

    Nothing says love like a zombie and some blood! Very cute!

  3. djredneck

    The doll commands me.

  4. Fred Schaefer

    This is too cute, I hope I win 🙂

  5. nicholas cooper

    I never wanted a doll so bad in my life! lol

  6. Sarah Edwards

    I need that doll!!!!!!

  7. krebzepplin

    hey im getting a 404 when i click the link to enter 🙁 i want this cute zombie!

  8. Laurent Suissa

    I want this doll from France !!!

  9. Shroomy Lou

    I think this sucks. Even though I consider myself a big fan of the series, I dont have the right to participate in this just because I live on the other side of globe. Kinda sucks huh? Well thanks anyways for informing me about the “chance to win” I’ll never have.

  10. Kristin Phillips

    Love this!

  11. Karen Kuhnle

    My husband is a HUGE zombie fan. We role-play with a group on Saturday nights, and it is actually pretty popular to have the almost yearly zombie game. The city I live in have been overrun, and even medival settings. While being overrun is my least fave thing, I do enjoy slaying them in many different ways 🙂 bottle rockets to the head is the best one I have gotten away with
    Only one question for you, as this little guy looks like he is calling out for lint instead of brains…. is he going to zombify my dust bunnies? if so then i might get overrun…..

  12. gethin rose

    this is the guy that ate the cast of seasame st . !!!!

  13. Spencer Pollard

    What I like most about the undead is there ability to survive most things, shooting them anywhere other then the head generally doesn’t hurt them and they can just walk through any major body of water without harm.

  14. Diedra

    I wanna see my 3-year-old cuddled up with that cutie!

  15. Kohleen Mcfetridge

    I’m having my son in August and his father and I have already started a stuffed zombie collection for him! This little doll would fit in so perfectly, and make little Jude’s collection complete.

  16. Mike Cote

    I hope I win!

  17. William Barnes


  18. Ed White

    I did something like that in my anger management class LOL!!

  19. Mike Cote

    I only get a 404 message when I click to fill out the entry form…

  20. William Schools

    The dead never stop. They don’t sleep, they don’t take smoke breaks, no need to use the restroom, that is the scariest part. But this doll is adorable.

  21. IKAF


  22. michelle Daly

    So adorable, need to figure out how to knit this so I can chase my kids around the house with it. They love to play zombie. (only 5 and already zombie fans ) lol

  23. erica freeman

    I LOVE this so much!!

  24. Bonnie Hutton

    The best: They’re NORMALLY slower than you are, and easy enough to kill with good aim/a sharp sword.

    The worst: No matter how safe you think you are, there can be no happy ending in a world of zombies. You and everyone you still have around you (if you’re lucky enough to have anyone left) will die eventually, and only add to the number of zombies in the world.

  25. Kevin Srivastava

    I hope this zombie doesn’t eat my cat’s brains!

  26. Lois Karlin

    Zombies dance really well to a tune called Thriller. On the other hand, their brains and eyes are all too easy for human toddlers to eat.

    I love this crocheted zombie and am amazed by your talents.

  27. Bradley Parini

    this is to cute and would be awesome to take to zombie prom!! I think the worst part of zombies would be having to deal with zombified family and close friends. The best part, is there really a good thing in the zombie apocalypse?

  28. melissa smith

    love this! ive always been a fan of zombies! they love people not for how they look, but people with brains! 😀

  29. Christopher Morgan

    Hey folks, sorry about the 404, those links should be fixed now. However, there is no entry form, all you need is to be a REGISTERED MEMBER of Criminal Element and leave a comment. The links in the post go to the sweepstakes official rules and this comment contest. Thanks for coming by and good luck!

  30. Clare 2e

    This contest is entered by being a registered site user and leaving a comment–that’s it. The URL just takes you back to this post, so those of you getting 404s, if you’re logged into the site, you’re in the contest, and good LUCK!

    To any commenters outside the U.S., it’s not that we don’t want to make you eligible, we ‘d love to! However, we can’t because of the way various international laws operate. The Powers-That-Be keep us from propagating awesome zombie goodness worldwide.

  31. kim fenner

    That is an awesome doll.

  32. Lloyd Terry

    Would be nice to replace my grandsons sock monkey with !

  33. shannon barlow

    wow! someone took some time creating this & did a beautiful job. I hope I win it!!!!

  34. dlgordon

    I love how zombies live death to the fullest and always have an appetite. My soon-to-be here son needs that doll.

  35. Megan13

    I want this! So cute!!

  36. michael4321

    BRAAAAAAAAINS!! Theyre coming to get you barbara. I love zombies

  37. Ryan Gonzales

    I love zombies!!! I would kill a some zombies just to have this cute zombie. And the craftmanship is really good I’ve never seen anything so awesome and adorable. I’m a big zombie fan. I love zombies themselves, zmobie movies, zombie clothes, books, jewerly, comics (which I have all the walking dead), and a differnt zombie doll from think geek. I think this doll would be perfect for my zombie mayhem collection. I’m a roller derby girl and my derby name is MIZZ ZOMBIE!!! I would really like to win this doll. It would make my day!!!!

  38. Matt Oh

    I need a zombie doll to make me feel safer at night so just let me win.

  39. Amy Madden

    I am a huge fan of anything zombie-ish! I collect books, movies, and toys (yes I am aware of my age lol) that appeal to my taste. It can vary from the really best of the lore like The Walking Dead comics and Tv show to the cheesy spawns like Fido the movie and zombie figurines that come from gumball machines! (I will probably be on Doomsday Preppers show if given a chance to show my “other” collection lol) I would love to have this cute zombie sock monkey to add to my display! If only I was artistic enough to make my own!

  40. Kenny Piotrowski

    Oh teddy bea ….AAAARRRGGHHHHH!!!

  41. Rose berna

    I want!!!!

  42. Daria Overholser

    My daughter has been having bad dreams, I think this doll may help…enhance them. 😉

  43. Shelley Carlson

    ..because cute will only get you so far…

  44. Jamie Macias

    This little zombie is just too cute! I love how zombies are so simple minded. No emotions no second guessing. This would go great with the sheets im hoping to receive, you know the ones with the zombie hands reaching out at you.

  45. Susan RC

    A friend’s daughter recently rejected a prospective college as “too nerdy” because one of their biggest clubs is “Zombie Defense Team.” Personally, I think she’ll be sorry when she goes to a college with no Zombie Defense Team–and the zombies get her.

  46. Courtney Hoover

    Im obbessed with zombies! And this thing is so adorable. I want it sooo bad!

  47. Marie Tom

    Zombies are great because they won’t talk about things like Jersey Shore or The Kardashians. Zombies are bad because they want you for your brains which usually you want that in a guy but in this case it’s bad.

  48. Josh Sharp

    I want the doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Nubia Meza

    My favorite thing about the undead is the way they look. And if you ever got tired of someone running their mouth all you would have to do is push them in the way and watch them get eaten!!! Jk.. lol. What I dislike about them is that they eat your brains!!!! O.o

  50. Vega Chastain

    Even though they might eat you, they don’t talk much.

  51. Deborah Lacy

    Who wouldn’t want this zombie? Awesome job.

  52. HeidiH

    We love the undead because they are relentless & there’s always more!! Always challenging, thrilling & exciting! My son would LOVE this toy~! It’s super =)

    (Member by FB connection)

  53. Dee Montenegro

    I LOVE ZOMBIES !! !!

  54. Mary Wright

    Dolly! 😀

  55. Chris h

    That doll looks awesome…. Can I hAve one too?

  56. Barbara Bibel

    Just what I need to keep my library safe from assorted strange things!

  57. Dylan Herne

    Perserverence. They just don’t give up. We can all take a life lesson from them.

  58. robert Pilk

    I’m loving the dangling eyeball.

  59. Nicole C

    huge zombie fan, i would love this doll!

  60. LIsa malson

    This is the cutest zombie ever 🙂

  61. Efrain

    I like zombies. I’ve never won anything in my life would sure be cool to win this zombie doll. I also can’t wait to get my hands on TWD issue #96. I just got to know who is Crystal and well, it’s just in shuch a great part in the series…..can’t wait! Keep up the great work Kirkman, Adlard, and Rathburn 🙂

  62. Jacob Brester

    Love zombies, not a big fan of dolls never thought i would want one as bad as I want this one. 😀

  63. Monica Williams

    LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!! I will have to order one!

  64. Gail Cole

    I Zombies! I find the mystery to them in so many stories to be amazing. As a science person I can even imagine zombies actually be possible due to how the brain works. I love the classics movies! I have always wanted a zombie doll! It will sit in the middle of my bed and everyone will be jealous!

  65. Jeff Trax

    Kill Kopter Kill Krazy KILL KILL KILL

  66. Alley Jackson

    It is so cute!!! I wanna take him home and hug him, and kiss him, and love him forever.

  67. Vanessa Zuzzolo

    LOVE love love this lil flesh- eating critter.

  68. Dennis Santos

    what do i love about zombies…their food choices of course!!! Human flesh is TASTY!!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HUMANS!!!!!

  69. Maureen Wynn

    This is adorkable! It must be mine!

  70. Audrey Piché

    The [b]zombie apocalypse [/b]will be a lot [u]easier[/u] with these guys!

  71. Manny Campos

    Cool.let’s see what happens

  72. Sarita Rogers

    I find Zombies pretty creepy, but this zombie is cute. I’d say the creepiest thing in general is the rotting, undead thing. eww . . .

  73. Allison Moyer

    Zombies aren’t supposed to be this adorable!

  74. Yosef Main

    This is perfect! I can finally begin to share the zombie nightmares I have nightly with my children!

  75. Mary Lou Foland

    What I like least about the undead is the smell…ew. But what I love best about the undead is all the coolness! Vampires and werewolves may be fiction but zombies seem plausible-so it adds a creepy realism to fiction. Very cool zombie!

  76. barbara studer

    I love it—-pick me so I have something to cuddle with when I watch the zombie movies!!!

  77. Tabitha Jensen

    Who wouldn’t like the shambling dead? It’s probably a classic fear that so many of us have, and downright entertaining to watch or read about! love reading the gore personally and not watching it, haha

  78. Linda Rodriguez

    Too cute–and so creative, Laura

  79. Andrew Beck

    I grew up in Butler County, PA where George A. Romero shot his very first Night of Living Dead flick so I have a long history with zombies. Evans City will never be the same. Zelienople should be zombienople. (But this little monster depicted looks more like SNL’s Mister Bill, who come to think of it, after all his resurrections, may be a zombie himself.)

  80. Trudy

    This guy is great! Can’t you just see a whole crowd of them dragging themselves across the floor….

  81. Melissa Keith

    What I like best about the undead is you can beat them at a lot of board games. Especially LIFE and TRIVIAL PURSUIT.
    Great job on your zombie doll. He wants to cuddle with me while I recuperate from hernia surgery. 😉

    Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

  82. shelly mccann

    love it

  83. Tracey Miner

    Zombies make great pets….they already know how to roll over and play DEAD!

  84. Robert Banning

    I’ll be keeping an “eye” out on this li’l guy appearing in my mailbox!!

  85. L L

    Very cute.

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