Book Review: A Lovely Lie by Jamie Lynn Hendricks

I was genuinely stunned by how terrific this mystery thriller is! A large part of that is due not only to the wonderfully relentless pacing that leaves readers with no time to recover before the next startling twist hits, but also to the excellent depictions of the interior lives of the main characters. Perhaps most…

Book Review: If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay

The pseudonymous Alex Finlay—a prominent lawyer residing in Washington, D.C. and Virginia—achieved breakout success with his debut thriller, Every Last Fear (2021). He has since continued to merge the high concept premise with high precision plotting, earning critical acclaim, global readership, and interest from the entertainment industry (all of his books are under option for…

Book Review: The Goldilocks Genome by Elizabeth Reed Aden, PhD

When Carrie Hediger’s best friend, Sarah, collapses from a mysterious ailment, Carrie immediately suspects Sarah’s husband of having had something to do with it. Rob Newsome is a tenured professor of neuropsychiatry with access to any number of potentially fatal drugs. More damningly, he has both a weakness for pretty young women decades his junior…

Voices with No Fear

I love books that have either children or older adults as protagonists or main characters. They speak honestly and I feel, for the most part, are able to see the world through lenses that are not clouded with their own judgment, or fear of judgment from others. Children, because they aren’t yet jaded, and older…

Book Review: The Die by Jude Berman

In the quasi-dystopian setting of Jude Berman’s The Die, the United States of America has fallen, torn apart from within. The authoritarian tides that swirled throughout the early 21st century finally grew strong enough to allow a tyrant, in these pages known only as the Dictator, to take over the federal government. In response, first…

Cooking the Books: Fondant Fumble by Jenn McKinlay

When Tate Harper tells his best friends and business partners that two football stars want to franchise one of their Fairy Tale Cupcakes bakeries, Mel DiLauria and Angie–who also happens to be Tate’s wife as well as Mel’s sister-in-law–think he’s playing a prank on them. So when Arizona Scorpions’ Tyler Matthews and Keogh Graham–the quarterback…

Conspiracies All the Way Down

The biggest problem with conspiracy theories? They’re so much fun. In childhood, I cut my teeth on cryptid stories like Bigfoot, then moved on to more expansive mysteries like the Bermuda Triangle and UFOs. By high school, I was deep into reading Michael Crichton and John Grisham, and I’ve since realized that the majority of…

Book Review: Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies by Catherine Mack

How can readers resist going on a madcap book vacay with a side offering of mystery? The title of debut author Catherine Mack is an irresistible invitation to drop everything and devour her Vacation Mysteries series. Eleanor Dash is a bestselling author who wrote a runaway-success mystery based on a whirlwind Italian romance with a…

Featured Excerpt: Pitch Dark by Paul Doiron

Preorder Pitch Dark by Paul Doiron 3 When I got Charley on the phone and told him what Brandon had told me and what Stacey and I had subsequently learned—or not learned—about Mark Redmond and Hammond Pratt, and after I had explained my plan to ask Josie to fly us to Prentiss Pond, his response…

Cooking the Books: Three Fudges and a Baby by Nancy Coco

Hotelier and fudge maker Allie McMurphy’s best friend, Jenn Carpenter, is past her pregnancy due date and about ready to pop. She’s determined to stay on Mackinac Island and deliver her baby naturally, though, with the help of her midwife, Sarah, and her doula, Hannah. The latter, especially, has proven invaluable in helping Jenn get…

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