Part 11: “There’s Fire Where You Are Going”
Some boys playing catch see Miriam Sullivan (Sarah Jean Long) crawling out of the woods after being left for dead by Richard Horne (Eamon Faron). Elsewhere, Becky (Amanda Seyfried) is wielding a gun and screaming mad at hubby Steven (Caleb Landry Jones). She asks her mom, Shelly Briggs, for a car, resorting to a grab-and-go of the keys, and then locks herself in the car.
Shelly pulls a nice Starsky & Hutch jump-on-the-hood maneuver only to be flung off when her narcissistic offspring can only think of one thing—killing her man, who is holed up with another woman.
[Read David Cranmer's recap of Parts 11-13 of Twin Peaks: The Return!]
Becky doesn’t catch up with Steven, but we later learn that Bobby Briggs is Becky’s father. A family reunion occurs as they sort out their daughter’s mess.
In a seemingly out-of-character move, Shelly runs outside the restaurant to meet Red (Balthazar Getty) like a lovelorn schoolgirl. She’s obviously attracted to bad boys, but jetting on the family in the middle of a heart-to-heart reduces her to a spaz.
In Buckhorn, South Dakota, Hastings (Mathew Lollards) leads Gordon (David Lynch), Albert (Miguel Ferrer), Detective Macklay (Brent Briscoe), Tammy (Chrysta Bell), and an indifferent Diane (Laura Dern) to a dilapidated house where Hastings had met Major Briggs. Upon entering the yard, Gordon notices a whooshing whirlpool in the sky with electricity crackling.
Inside, they find Ruth Davenport’s body with coordinates on her arm. Then, Gordon observes three ghostly “bearded men” walking down a staircase. One of the anomalies kills Hastings by removing everything above his nose. “He’s dead,” Gordon deadpans for the biggest laugh. Eerily, Diane witnesses the murder without moving a muscle. Once it’s revealed what she knows and the game she’s playing, it may end up being an even more rewarding moment than Coop finally snapping out of his malaise. And yet, Lynch has no interest in speeding it up. Bless his subversive heart.
Extra Slices of Cherry Pie: Truman (Robert Forster) and Hawk (Michael Horse) plan their trip based on the Major’s notes and an old map of Hawk’s. Third welcomed appearance of the Log Lady (Catherine E. Coulson) as she warns Hawk that there is fire where he is going. Bushnell Mullins tells Dougie Jones he’s concerned about the police corruption and organized crime flowing through his office but feels the Mitchums are innocent of arson and pays them thirty million dollars. The Mitchums are ecstatic with Dougie, and they all celebrate over “damn good” cherry pie as spaced-out Candie (Amy Shiels) still has issues navigating her surroundings.
Part 12: “Let’s Rock”
An insightful Blue Rose history recap begins the 12th episode, with Albert bringing Tammy up to date and welcoming her into the fold as the newest member. She’s stoked at the promotion, though with other team members Phillip Jefferies (David Bowie), Chet Desmond (Chris Isaac), and Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) missing in action, you gotta wonder what’s in store for her, right?
The team also deputizes Diane Evans, who accepts by saying, “Lets rock.” On the side, Diane responds to more texts alluding to the fact she knows much more about what is going on. When whoever she is chatting with asks, “Las Vegas?”, she replies, “They haven’t asked yet.” Later, she punches into her phone’s digital search the clue that was on Ruth Davenport’s arm, and the map for Twin Peaks is enlarged.
Finally, we get the return of one of the big stars of the original series: Sherilyn Fenn as Audrey. It took me a few seconds to recognize her because of the way Lynch offhandedly cut to her scene. We are catching up with her as she’s pissed at husband Charlie (Clark Middleton) for not going in search of someone named Billy, her lover, who has been missing for two days. Whereas other series characters like Bobby Briggs and Ben Horne have seemed to mature into leading citizens, she appears to be the same old Audrey in the middle of trouble.
Though, it’s hard to get a handle on what these characters are talking about as names are dropped as if we should just know. What’s it all about? I’m sure we’ll find out, but in the meantime, here’s looking at you, Ms. Fenn. Good to have you back.
Extra Slices of Cherry Pie: Jerry Horne’s still finding his way out of the woods. Sarah Palmer (the incomparable Grace Zabriskie) is loading up on booze at the market and freaks out the cashiers by warning them that “men are coming” and, breaking down, that “something happened to me.” Ben Horne (Richard Beamer) pays for Miriam’s hospital bills after being told by Sheriff Truman what his grandson had done. Chantal and Hutch execute the warden who allowed Bad Coop to escape.
Part 13: “What Story Is That, Charlie?”
In Western Montana, Bad Coop (Kyle MacLachlan) arrives at the warehouse where Ray (George Griffith) is waiting with a group of gun-carrying badasses. The boss of the gang challenges Coop to an arm wrestling contest where the BOB possessed demon easily wins and kills el jefe with one punch to the face.
Coop extricates info from Ray before murdering him too, learning that Blue Rose FBI Agent Phillip Jefferies wants Bad Coop dead because, according to Ray, “He said that you got something inside that they want.” Ray also gave up Phillip’s location at a “place” called The Dutchman’s. Wearing a transporter ring meant for Coop’s demise, Ray’s soul is sent to the netherworld. (It would be something if David Bowie could have made an appearance as Jefferies before he passed. It seems unlikely, but it’s nice to daydream about.)
Anthony (Tom Sizemore) confesses, crying up a storm to Bushnell (Don Murray) about all his crimes and wanting to right the wrongs. He had come to this redemption crossroads after attempting to kill Dougie (Kyle MacLachlan) by poisoning Dougie’s coffee. Instead, he dumped the cup of joe while Dougie ogled a cherry pie.
Meanwhile, the Mitchums—happy with their $30 million windfall—celebrate by buying Dougie a new BMW and a gym set for his kid. Thirteen episodes in, we are still not seeing Dale Cooper recover from his electrical-current ride between worlds. So even if it happens (because who knows with the unpredictable Lynch), we will have little to no time with everyone’s favorite G-Man.
Extra Slices of Cherry Pie: Assassins Hutch and Chantal (Tim Roth and Jennifer Jason Leigh) are in Utah talking about Mormons. Ed Hurley (Everett McGill) makes his return, still keeping an eye on Norma (Peggy Lipton), who has expanded her operations to a total of five Double R restaurants. Dr. Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) meets up with his number-one fan, Nadine (Wendy Robbie). Sarah Palmer is in an endless loop of drinking and watching an old boxing match that is also on repeat; what a fresh hell for this woman who has already suffered and lost so much. Audrey’s husband, Charlie (Clark Middleton), seems to have a little more pull over her than originally known. He warns her, “Now, are you gonna stop playing games, or do I have to end your story too?” What? Touching callback music closes the show: “Just You” by James Hurley, which he had sung a quarter of a century ago to Donna and Mandy.
See also: Twin Peaks: The Return Review: Parts 8, 9, and 10
David Cranmer is the publisher and editor of BEAT to a PULP. Latest books from this indie powerhouse include the alternate history novella Leviathan and sci-fi adventure Pale Mars. David lives in New York with his wife and daughter.
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