The Walking Dead, Shambling in This Sunday

The Walking Dead
We’re b-a-a-a-a-ack! Ooops, wrong film.
This Sunday marks the second coming return of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Now, just in case you’re not fully caught up, they are airing the whole first season on Saturday, and the first half of the second season on Sunday before the premiere of the mid-season opener. (Don’t have time for all that? Check out Christopher Morgan’s recap of the season 2 premiere.)

If you’re not a fan of the great Walking Dead literature, you probably don’t know what’s coming. And since film adaptations don’t always follow text, even if you read the comics, you may find yourself shocked, suprised, even horrified.

For one thing, Jon Bernthal, who plays Shane, is in talks to star in the pilot for a forthcoming period cop drama, L.A. Noir, from TNT. Does this mean Shane will die?

The Walking Dead
My name’s Shane and I ain’t afraid of no zombies!

And as long as we are making predictions, over at the Baltimore Sun, they have a list of ten things they’d like to see, but probably won’t. What about you? What are you looking forward to? And do you think you’ll get it?


  1. Regina Thorne

    I would REALLY like to see Lori put her hair up in a ponytail or a bun. She’s gotta be dying with that long hair in the Georgia summer (plus, it’s so easy for a Walker to grab her hair and reel her in for a snack, you know?)

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