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By Crime HQ
November 28, 2017Check out all our Marvel coverage!
Check out all our Marvel coverage!
Hello, and welcome back to my look at Netflix's eight-episode miniseries, The Defenders, which serves as a culmination to the plot lines and character arcs introduced in the streaming service's other Marvel shows—Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist—and a launching point for new stories and directions. In today's installment, we arrive at the…
Hello, and welcome back to my look at Netflix's latest Marvel adaptation, The Defenders, which is meant to pay off several seasons of television by bringing together the protagonists, supporting cast, and plot lines from the streaming service’s other Marvel shows—Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist—for one epic eight-episode miniseries. Last time, we…
Hello, and welcome back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! After four seasons of great and highly entertaining television (Daredevil Seasons 1-2, Jessica Jones Season 1, and Luke Cage Season 1) and one season that was a complete stinkfest (I'm looking at you Iron Fist. You know what you did), Netflix and Marvel television have finally delivered the ultimate…
In 2015, with the launch of the first season of Daredevil, Marvel television and Netflix began building their own corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since then, they’ve delivered a steady bit of payout as fans got to meet compelling characters like the title character of Daredevil, blind lawyer turned costumed vigilante Matt Murdock; superpowered…
Highlighted by Marvel's The Defenders and the live-action adaptation of Death Note, August is shaping up for some great binge-worthy television! Add in some great horror films, and I know a few ways to survive the dog days of summer. See what other crime/mystery/thriller entertainment is coming to (and leaving) Netflix in July!
After a subpar season of Iron Fist, Netflix and Marvel look to get back on track when they unite all four of their heroes in the first season of The Defenders. Slotted for an eight-episode, August 18th release, The Defenders sees the return of the blind lawyer and “Devil of Hell’s Kitchen,” Matt Murdock; the…
Hello, and welcome back! Today, we bring my look at Netflix's latest Marvel Comics adaptation, Iron Fist, to a close. In this final installment, we'll examine the last three episodes: Episode 11, “Lead Horse Back to the Stable”; Episode 12, “Bar the Big Boss”; and Episode 13, “Dragon Plays with Fire.” In addition to examining…
Hello, and welcome back! It's time to begin our look at the back half of Netflix's latest Marvel Comics adaptation, Iron Fist. In this penultimate installment of my feature, we'll examine Episode 8, “The Blessing of Many Fractures”; Episode 9, “The Mistress of All Agonies”; and Episode 10 “Black Tiger Steals Heart.” I'll also offer…
Hello, and welcome back the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! My name is Dave Richards, and I was your guide in Criminal Element's look at the 2nd season of Netflix's television adaptation of Marvel Comics' Daredevil and the streaming network's 1st season of Jessica Jones. Now, I'm back to examine the latest Netflix Marvel series,…