Vote for Your Favorite Masterpiece Mystery Series
By Crime HQ
June 20, 2017Don't see your favorite Masterpiece Mystery series? Let us know which is your favorite in the comments below!
Don't see your favorite Masterpiece Mystery series? Let us know which is your favorite in the comments below!
Youthful professor Adam Capstone, being all perky first thing in the a.m., glances out his office window to see a young woman cast a dubious look in his direction. Paying her little mind, he goes to his desk and opens an innocuous-looking package that came in the morning mail. Only, that package isn’t innocuous at…
If the Morse-Lewis-Endeavour universe has taught us anything, it’s that there’s a never-ending supply of Oxford-related philosophers and scholars whose work can inspire murder mysteries. For “Magnum Opus,” inspiration comes from Charles Williams, a cohort of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, and, with them, a member of the Inklings literary group at Oxford in the…
Archaeological excavations are underway at Oxford, and the student diggers have unearthed something they probably didn’t expect to find: a dead body wrapped in recycling bags. It’s enough to send police cars screaming to the scene, followed at a slightly less frantic pace by Inspector Lewis (Kevin Whately) and his no-longer-unrequited love, pathologist Laura Hobson…
Was Inspector Lewis responsible for sending an innocent man to prison thirteen years ago? Of course not. This is Lewis we’re talking about. He would never. (And no one really believes he did.) Yet doubts are raised when it’s revealed that the forensic lab contaminated DNA from the original case. Now the convicted murderer—who’s protested…
It’s all Greek to me, and to you, in this episode as we dust off Sophocles and Euripides for tales of hubris, and vengeance, and murder. We know virtually nothing about Felix Garwood (John Light), he’s barely said a word (it’s still the opening credits, after all), yet we’re already aware that he’s an embodiment…
“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” Chief Superintendent Jean Innocent (Rebecca Front) inquires. “I’m going to the hardware store,” retired Detective Inspector Lewis (Kevin Whately) replies. “I need some waterproof glue.” “Exciting,” she says, unconvincingly. “Alternatively, you could figure out why a neurosurgeon has a bullet in his head.” And just…
• Are you in the UK? Are you a fanatic for TV's Sherlock, Midsomer Murder, Miss Marple, Poirot, Inspector Morse, and Inspector Lewis? Then would you like to appear on a trivia segment for a TV show, The Crime Thriller Club? (insert shrieking here): “…each week we will be leading up to the Crime Thriller…
It's true, we're cleaning out our prize closet, but the goodies are so perfect, you can still see the shrink wrap! Here's your chance at a bundle of multimedia mystery with: two DVDs of UK crime TV (including Inspector Lewis: Series 5, based upon the characters of Colin Dexter; and the first season/set of Vera,…
So that’s it then. The last episode of Inspector Lewis leaves us with plenty of food for thought, plenty of beautiful Oxford scenery, and plenty of dead bodies. Because punctuality is a Lewis hallmark (the show, if not the character), our first corpse arrives promptly within ten minutes of the opening credits. It’s Professor Richard…