Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is in talks to star in a remake of 1986's Big Troube in Little China, says the Hollywood Reporter. In the original plot:
[Kurt] Russell played Jack Burton, a trucker who finds himself in a supernatural battle between good and evil in Chinatown. Kim Cattrall co-starred as one of a group of women who are kidnapped so their bodies can service a two thousand year old sorcerer.
It's anyone's guess what will happen in the remake, to be written by Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz, who worked on Thor and X-Men: First Class. But if just the title makes you as suddenly wistful as we are, here's much more on John Carpenter's filmography, his repeated tandems with Kurt Russell, and more about the original BTiLC, which Eric Beetner calls “one of those secret handshake films. The kind that if you like it, you’re in the club. Us vs. them. Those who get it and those who do not.”
This is one of the downsides of technology and humans getting along with each other. We want to remake everything just so it looks better.
I was inspired to rewatch it, and I don’t know how they’re going to redo it. It’s so unapologetically campy and type-heavy and nonsensical in places, I wouldn’t want it to become a live action Kung Fu Panda.