If you thought that preparation for the Olympic games was all building fancy arenas, pretty light shows, and training singing children, then you would be leaving out the interesting bits.
Along with building whole villages designed to house athletes, their events, and the millions of fans from around the world that come to cheer their champions, the British have decided to take security to the next level. According to The Sun, the British SAS have taken a particular interest in the pre-game goings on in London-town.
On top of a rapid response plan that involves hardened inflatable boats moving at high speeds on the Thames, the SAS have been building a network of bunkers beneath London’s Olympic village, so the elite combat units of the British military are ready the second anyone is foolish enough to make good on a Black Sunday kind of terrorist plot.
As of right now, the arsenal—no, not the soccer team—is made up of everything from the standard MP-5 to a tear gas grenade launcher. Oh, also hazmat suits. Can’t forget the hazmat suits. I’m not one to label anything overkill, especially when it involves assault weapons and body armor, but the Olympics?