Read this exclusive guest post from Rachel Howzell Hall, author of the Detective Elouise Norton Mystery series, discussing how real-life crimes have inspired many of her novels, and then make sure you're signed in and comment for a chance to win a copy of Land of Shadows, Skies of Ash, and Trail of Echoes!
In 2014, there were more than 1.1 million violent crimes committed in America. The FBI estimates that over 60 percent of those reported crimes were aggravated assault.
That’s a lot of blood.
What caused that guy to inflict serious bodily injury to that other guy? Why didn’t she value her boyfriend’s sister’s life? And for the 1.2 percent of those 1.1 million—what made that person commit the ultimate sin? Those reasons are why I and my mystery-crime writing brothers and sisters will never run out of stories to tell.
Some of the most jacked-up tales that we love derived from the real thing:
- Mexican doctor Alfredo Ballí Treviño was the inspiration behind Thomas Harris’s Hannibal Lecter.
- Serial murderer Ed Gein’s story led to the creation of Psycho and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
- And Heat—that awesome heist movie with both Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, that famous gun battle, and Val Kilmer when he was hot? Pacino’s character, that famous coffee shop scene…real.
We cannot turn away from the truly awful. That’s why news broadcasts start with stories like “Married Couple in Oxnard Died in Murder-Suicide.” That’s why there’s so much traffic on the 405—we have to see, if only a glimpse, that big-rig three-car pileup. Why?
Some theorize it as “excitation-transfer,” equating it to riding a roller-coaster, with the true horror of injury combined with adrenalin and the shock of witnessing something so brutal as death, injury and twisted metal.
Even the Bible leads off with violence. The first sons Cain and Abel were good kids—Cain grew veggies and Abel tended the animals. God preferred Abel’s lamb over Cain’s carrots, and BOOM! Cain skips right over aggravated assault into the murder of his brother. Their parents were no better—when your mom’s caught stealing apples and your dad throws her under the bus and blames God for making her in the first place…
Envy, wrath, theft, snitches. 1 B.C. to 2016 C.E.—nothing’s changed.
In my stories, I also turned to real life as a jump-off point. The View from Here starts with a husband disappearing while scuba diving and his widow mourning his loss—while not completely convinced that he’s dead. Olivia Newton-John’s ex-boyfriend fell off a boat during a fishing trip. Five years later, cops found him living near Puerto Vallarta. He’d faked his death.
For No One Knows You’re Here, a monster is killing prostitutes in South Los Angeles. This story came from the Grim Sleeper murders in Los Angeles, where an ex-LAPD mechanic was killing prostitutes and was recently found guilty of murdering more than nine women and a teenaged girl.
See Also: Tales of the Grim Sleeper: 25 Years of Killings and Looking the Other Way)
The Detective Elouise Norton Mystery series gave me the opportunity to solve the case—and the issues always go beyond the toe tag.
In Land of Shadows, a girl is found hanging in a condo—a case that seems related to the disappearance of Lou’s big sister. The story was partly-inspired by a former LAPD Chief’s granddaughter and her drive-by, gangland style murder. But, it was also about teenage girls, the secrets they keep, and clueless parents left in the dark.
A marriage comes tragically undone in Skies of Ash. Alas, there are always stories of men killing their wives and children. Just last month, a man stabbed his wife before shooting his son. Which man? Which wife? Which story? This seems to be in the news cycle every day. As I was drafting this story, I thought of the guy dressed in a Santa suit showing up at his ex-wife’s home with a gun, flammable liquid, and a pressurized fuel tank.
My newest novel, Trail of Echoes, didn’t come from one case—unfortunately. It was inspired by African American girls being kidnapped and murdered and not receiving the same media coverage or concern as Elizabeth Smart and Natalee Holloway—aka Missing White Female Syndrome.
Someone asked me what’s next after the fourth Lou Norton novel, City of Saviors, is published next year. I’m still trying to figure that out, since narrowing down a subject is so difficult—writing crime is like eating at a Vegas buffet. But, I’m sure humanity will provide the inspiration.
What true-life stories inspired your favorite fiction?
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Rachel Howzell Hall is the author of the Detective Elouise Norton series. The third novel in the series, Trail of Echoes, will be published this May. Land of Shadows and Skies of Ash (Forge) were included on the Los Angeles Times’ “Books to Read This Summer” for 2014 and 2015, and the New York Times called Lou Norton “a formidable fighter—someone you want on your side.” A featured writer on NPR’s acclaimed “Crime in the City” series, Rachel also served as a mentor in AWP’s Writer to Writer Program and is currently a member of the Mystery Writers of America. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.
Tragedy is so prevalent in modern society, it’s no wonder most of us get our kicks through violence in books, movies, and games. We need a way to cope with the chaos around us that doesn’t put us directly in the line of fire.
This was a great article, Rachel, and I can’t wait to read Trail of Echoes!
These sound very intriguing. I hope I win.
interesting sounding
It’s amazing what human beings are capable of doing to each other. Although I admit that stories of true crime or inspired by true crime are interesting reading, it’s still sad to realize there’s just about no atrocity we can imagine that hasn’t really happened. I knew about the characters Ed Gein inspired, but I hadn’t heard of the doctor that inspired Hannibal. Likewise for the inspirations for Ms. Hall’s books, which I’d like to read. It is a guilty pleasure.
Looks good!
Yes, please enter me in this sweepstakes.
Thanks —
My choice would have to be The Godfather by Mario Puzo.
Interesting interview. The summaries of the books sound interesting as well.
Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites is a haunting fictional story about a woman facing her own mortality in the year of 1828 in Iceland. It is based on the true story of the last person to executed in Iceland,
Agnes MagnĂşsdĂłttir.
The true life story of Mexican doctor Alfredo Ballà Treviño that was the inspiration for [b]Thomas Harris’s[/b] Hannibal Lecter is one of my favorites.
Coming from Southern California, so often the stories that are “ripped from the headlines” came from my hometown paper, the LA Times. Even though I’ve moved away, I still read the paper online and follow the stories from home. I remember when the LAPD Chief’s granddaughter was murdered, the story that helped spark “Land of Shadows”.
The Black Dahlia case which inspired James Elroy’s novel of the same name
I read a lot of true crime and it’s always fun to see when a real crime inspires a mystery. Thanks for the give-away!
Not quite sure if The Conjuring is really based on a true story but they claim it is based on the Warrens’ real life dealings with the paranormal.
Not quite sure if The Conjuring is really based on a true story but they claim it is based on the Warrens’ real life dealings with the paranormal.
I liked the story line of the husband missing while scuba diving.
Would love to read these books.
I love mysteries surrounding historical tragedies, like what was in the vaults of the Titanic in Raise the Titanic.
These books look great, and I love the covers!
These mysteries are intriguing and compelling.
Psycho, inspired by Ed Gein.
Always enjoy reading novels based on a true crime. Majority of the time, have not heard of a particular crime before and it is so fascinating to read how a story is pulled out and is the basis of a fictional story. Am ready to read these new books.
Fascinating giveway. Excellent mysteries.
excellent selection
love the covers, makes me wanna read for sure
I love the use of true cases as inspiration.
This is a new author for me. Winning 3 books would be a great way to get to know her writing.
I do like fictional stories based on true crime but interestingly enough, I’m not a big fan of the true crime genre. Maybe I like to comfort myself with the thought that it didn’t really happen. When I was a teenager, I was fascinated by an account of the Lizzie Borden case. I also read and enjoyed In Cold Blood, mostly because I’m from Kansas. But the fictional book based on a true crime I’ve most enjoyed is Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood.22
how interesting
I do like fictional stories based on true crime but interestingly enough, I’m not a big fan of the true crime genre. Maybe I like to comfort myself with the thought that it didn’t really happen. When I was a teenager, I was fascinated by an account of the Lizzie Borden case. I also read and enjoyed In Cold Blood, mostly because I’m from Kansas. But the fictional book based on a true crime I’ve most enjoyed is Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. Repeat comment because I’m not sure I was logged in the first time.
These sound right in my circle of interest. Good luck everyone!
Based on real life happenings these are sure to be good reading.
I lived in Milwaukee during the Dahmer horror so I’ll read any true crime EXCEPT that.
I can’t wait to read these.
Reality is stranger than any story that could be created.
Your books started showing up for me on a couple of different websites recently. I am intrigued and would love to read them.
Your books intrigue me. Thanks for the chance to win your books. Thanks for the information in the above article too — interesting!
Love a mystery that has a lady detective solving it.
Sounds like an inteiguing book which I would like to read.
Always like to try a new author.
This sounds AWESOME!!!
so cool
Thanks for the info on all olf these books. They all sound really interesting.
I have to get these books! They sound so good!
This author is new to me. I’m looking forward to reading her books.
the shinking of a ship near bermuda and Teh Tempest
As a librarian curating the mystery/thriller section I really appreciate the expanse of titles covered here.
Love trying new authors – would love to read these!!
I would like this.
Some good reads for sure!
Thanks for the chance 🙂
thank you for the chance to win
thanks, would love to read them!
Thank you for the chance to win! These sound like page turners!
These sound like intriguing reads! Please enter me in the sweepstakes. Am ready to read!
This looks great
Looks like a good series.
Great article! The books sound so interesting!
Reality is definately stranger than fiction – there are a few local crimes that the trials revealed sound like a movie plot. True crime can be a bit depressing – but fiction based on a true event that’s a great read!
I’d like to read these
“Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”
These books sound great. Many of Laura Lippman’s novels are based on real crimes that took place in the Baltimore area. I love reading her books.
I would love to read these! I hope I win.
I think that Headlines to Book Spines should be a great book. Thanks for the chance to win it.
They sound like great reads. Thanks.
sounds great sign me up
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I’m always looking for a new favorite author. These books sound great.
Good deal, count me in!
Hey thanks!
Sounds interesting!
Thanks for offering these great books.
I’d love a chance to read these books.
This is a new genre for me. Thank you for the chance to try it out.
Would love to win this one.