Bourne to Meet Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner signs magazines and pictures for fans outside of Ziegfeld Theater in New York City on Monday, July 30.
Jeremy Renner signs magazines and pictures for fans outside of Ziegfeld Theater in New York City on Monday, July 30.
Last night, fellow blogger Heather Waters and I went on a field trip to the Bourne Legacy premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in New York City. You could say Heather is a bit of a fan. She’s posted about the 5 signs Renner’s Hawkeye and Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow are TOTALLY IN LOVE on our sister site Heroes and Heartbreakers, and has shared countless stories and interviews about what makes Renner a truly awesome character and human being—he doesn’t take his fame for granted, he’s a real man’s man, and, of course, his beautiful biceps. After last night, I gladly join Heather in rooting for Team Renner. (I don’t think there were any teams to begin with, but I’ll still be on his side any day!)

The premiere itself was very small by Hollywood standards. Luckily, Heather and I stood next to some movie premiere veterans who gave us the lowdown on where Jeremy Renner and other cast members (Rene Russo, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, and Stacey Keach, who all made appearances) would be coming out. The best surprise of all: Jeremy Renner would be walking the line of fans and signing autographs.

My shoulder and Jeremy Renner are in the same frame. Photo courtesy of Dawn Buscemi.
My shoulder and Jeremy Renner are in the same frame. Photo courtesy of Dawn Buscemi.
If you’ve never been to a movie premiere or a signing with as big a name as Renner’s has become in the months since The Avengers came out in theaters, you should definitely add it to your Bucket List. Among the tourists who just stumbled upon the scene and decided to stick around were the hardcore fans and autograph collectors. I quickly learned that there are two ends of the spectrum in the extreme fan—the sort who steal Renner’s cat and the sort who are willing to chase his car down six blocks and almost get their foot run over. Luckily, only the latter were with us as Heather and I waited with roughly 50 other people (shockingly small it seemed to us) for Renner to arrive.

With a new copy of Empire magazine featuring Renner on the cover, Heather was prepared for Renner’s walk down the line. Jeremy certainly didn’t disappoint as he went out of his way to grab her magazine despite all the other fans who were pushing to have his third signature on their phone or the back of a binder. Unfortunately, I didn’t have as much foresight as Heather and only had a pay stub and a crumpled post-it note in the bottom of my purse, neither of which I was willing to sacrifice.

All in all, it was an experience of a lifetime, and once Gangster Squad comes out in January, I’ll gladly venture to the Ziegfeld Theater again.

Check out the other stories in the True Confessions series.

Jennifer Proffitt is a Midwest transplant to New York City. She spends most of her time reading and writing about romance and watching crime shows, but you can follow her other adventures on Twitter @JennProffitt.

Read all of Jennifer Proffitt’s posts on Criminal Element.


  1. Heather Waters (redline_)

    I would like to state for the record that I was merely tagging along on *your* adventure, though it is true you could say I’m a bit of a Renner fan. 😉

    Seriously, though, fun recap of the night. Good job!

  2. Clare 2e

    Jenn- Renner seems like a splendid fellow, but your shoulder is almost stealing the scene! Magnetism!

  3. Jennifer Proffitt

    @redline_: Haha, technically it was my friend Dawn’s adventure and I wouldn’t even have gone had she not told me about it. I was trying to give perspective to how much of a fan you were and that I joined in on that fandom gladly. Is any of what I said untrue? 😉 I’m glad that you thought otherwise it was an accurate representation of our night. If I didn’t have photographic proof, I would have thought that none of that had happened…

    @Clare2e, I know! My shoulder and Jeremy are really competing for each other but I suppose it’s the purple sweater that puts it over the edge.

  4. Saundra Peck

    Thank you ladies…your story makes me feel almost like I was there! So jealous from Florida!!!

  5. Allison Brennan

    I. Am. So. Jealous.

  6. BrooklynShoeBabe

    What awesome photos. I’m actually excited to see this Bourne movie because of Jeremy Renner and his arms. Yeah, I’m turning into a bicep freak.

  7. Jennifer Proffitt

    I’m totally there with you, BrooklynShoeBabe! I plan on seeing Avengers again just so I can enjoy those arms (and of course seeing Bourne!). Have you been to the tumblr page called It’s not all about his arms, but I appreciate the title 😛

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