It seems like forever ago when we heard about BBC America’s first original series Copper, set in New York City’s Five Points neighborhood in the late 1860’s, just after the Civil War. Well, it’s currently in production on a giant soundstage in Toronto—Martin Scorcese built his version for Gangs of New York at an Italian studio lot, and that worked well enough. This is at least on the same continent as the original locale.
Frustratingly, however, we have yet to see any juicy production stills with sets or costumes. So, to bide our time in virtue, we’ll remind you first of the show’s pedigree, as it’s being co-produced by Barry Levinson and is the creation of Tom Fontana (Oz) and Will Rokos (Southland). Hmm, that didn’t take long, so let’s idle over the cast then, shall we?
You’ll be shocked, I’m sure, to discover the showrunners have assembled an international cast with even a few more attractive faces to populate their poxy burg.

His wife Sara Freeman (Tessa Thompson) worries for her husband’s safety, because he keeps defying expectations and societal segregation.

Sergeant Padraic Byrnes (Canadian David W. Keeley of Rookie Blue) is a corrupt and contemptuous cop, whose first name is likely pronounced Patrick.

Elizabeth Haverford (British actress Anastasia Griffith, also of Damages) is described as “sophisticated and spirited,” which is all we’ve got at this point.
Given that it’s 19th century New York we’re dealing with, it’s hard to know if it’s lack of public drainage, knowledge of vectors of infection, or adequate nutrition, but each one’s more nightmarishly disfigured than the last!
I guess we’ll just have to watch this summer to see if any of these doomed monstrosities can make a go of it in Gotham.
Have followed Kyle Schmid’s work since Blood Ties, enjoying him in Being Human (North American version) at the moment. Can’t wait to see him in this as I love period pieces and this looks like it will really be interesting.